No decision is still a decision


Seven years ago at the beginning of my healing journey I had the biggest realisation (READ - a slap in the ever that helped me take a full responsibility for where I was and how I ended up there.

At that time I kept getting sick like 3-4 times a year.

I was quite overweight with zero confidence or self-esteem.

I felt exhausted daily and barely had any energy to go to the gym.

I was an emotional eater. 

I was suffering with chronic bloating daily and was covered with eczema on half of my body.

Everything changed for me when I realised this one thing.

Deciding NOT to do anything about how I felt and staying stuck (often complaining) where I was, was also a decision.

I realised that every time I would say NO to something, it meant that I was saying YES to something else.

How did that look in terms of getting better & healing (or not) from my chronic bloating, digestive & thyroid issues?

Every time I said NO to:

  • choosing nourishing foods,

  • listening and trusting my intuition,

  • looking deep within - practicing meditation, journaling and being really bluntly honest with myself,

  • exploring deeply rooted subconscious beliefs & traumas with a healer and learning how to release them safely,

  • committing to a healing program long enough to make it a permanent change,

  • investing financially into my healing journey, because I believed I had no money or it was too expensive...

I realized I was basically saying YES to:

  • more pain,

  • more frustration,

  • more anxiety,

  • more confusion,

  • more emotional eating mixed with binging,

  • more money, time & energy wasted on solutions that didn’t work,

  • more self-loathing,

  • more weight-gain,

  • more financial debt,

  • less love & intimacy,

  • less fun,

  • less success,

  • less confidence,

  • less self-respect,

  • less life...

I could go on forever, but I feel and hope you’re getting my point by now and it's starting to resonate on some level.

I was saying YES to surviving not THRIVING.

So remember this one thing...

Every decision is STILL a decision.

Let that sink in for a moment.

I know that the truth can sometimes be painful and very liberating at the same time.

One decision can take you towards less pain and healing if you are dedicated, committed and patient enough.

And another decision can keep you stuck where you are for months and years to come.

My question to you is.....

What decision will you make today?

Let me know in the comment box below.



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