If you have been visiting various doctors for years without any real result, I’m inviting you to explore today’s post.
Have you ever heard of a concept called ‘Chicago Seven’ or, more commonly, the “Holy Seven”?
No? Perfect!
I’d like to invite you to consider another view on what might be going on for you.
In 1950, prominent American psychotherapist Franz Alexander first described a group of 7 psychosomatic diseases, which according to him the cause lies in untold and unexperienced/suppressed emotions.
Today, the psychosomatic nature of these diseases is officially proven, and I couldn't agree MORE with it, because I get to see it daily when coaching my clients.
The biggest issue is - it’s not commonly discussed in the Dr’s office leaving clients relying on treatments and toxic medication that offer no progress, leaving them feeling defeated, anxious and often depressed.
So, what are these 7 diseases and what contributes to them (emotionally speaking):
Peptic ulcer – Unforgiven resentment, as well as aggression or anger, in a situation when a person was denied support.
Ulcerative Colitis - A person was offended and became so reserved that no hope was seemed to be left.
Neurodermatitis (Dermatitis) - It is no coincidence that such people are called “thin-skinned.” Many skin diseases indicate problems in the relationship with the mother, including rejection or obsessive care.
Asthma - The inability to inhale indicates a deep fear of life. “I can’t breathe deeply” is what asthmatics say about how difficult it is for them to do something. It also stems to being punished for crying as a child and suppressing sadness.
Hypertension – Experiencing strong emotions leading to an Emotional blockage. As a rule, hypertensive patients suppress their experiences, putting aside their unresolved problems deep into the subconscious.
Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid) - The thyroid gland is a real body shield. It begins to work "overtime" when the situation becomes threatening and extreme. People with an enlarged thyroid are usually hyper-responsible, with an inability to disagree and set healthy boundaries. Subconscious fear makes them control everything.
Rheumatoid arthritis - people suffering from this disease are very critical to their environment. Unfortunately, not only do they have high moral principles but also heavily ingrained stereotypes. Untold insults and concealed anger influence them, not allowing to forgive, reveal, or change their approach to life.
It’s mind-blowing how emotions can affect us right?!
I’m curious to see if any of this resonated with you?
I get so much joy and fulfilment from being able to help release these emotional blocks through my Intuitive Coaching.
Within a few weeks, sometimes days my clients get to feel better after having suffered for years!
If you’re curious to explore what’s contributing to your health issues simply book your free Clarity Call.
In less than 30 mins, I’ll help you identify your blocks and show you your Tailored Blueprint to overcoming them.