How can you feel so good one moment and completely anxious, acting out of fear the next?
How is that possible that one moment you can know exactly what you want from life, knowing that it's done & happening and then out of nowhere be filled and consumed by fear and doubt?
The answer is - there are two aspects of you - The Divine You and the Persona (someone and something you created from birth, if not even before you were born).
Your persona is all the thoughts that you think about yourself, your beliefs you formed through your life experiences, your character and how you view yourself and your identity.
Much of this (if not the majority) is CREATED, and it comes in response to what others believe about you, what your parents said about you when you were a kid, things that your teachers told you were good at and not so good at.
Things that are pretty much inspired by an outside influence that you believed to be true and unconsciously chose to make it part of your persona.
And here's the thing - your thoughts create.
You are divine at your core, where optimal health, happiness and abundance is your birthright.
So when you think thoughts, those thoughts are the tools you create your life with. When you think ‘I’m unworthy/ I'm ugly/ I'm unlovable/ I'll never amount to anything/ I'm not creative/ I don't deserve to be healthy/ I need to struggle to prove people wrong" you essentially create more of that in your life.
Your thoughts don't judge - they simply create.
I've seen this creation coming about in skin breakouts, eczema, uncontrollable skin rashes, chronic bloating, autoimmune and more.
None of this is really true and none of this is permanent.
This can all be changed.
In my latest Thrive Thursday FB LIVE I shared 3 powerful steps to identify those limiting beliefs that aren't possibly even yours, that are affecting your health & life and what you can do to shift them fast to go back to the Divine You with ease.
Who do you give your power away to on a daily basis?
The Divine You or Your Persona?
If you are ready to let go of your “PERSONA” and welcome unlimited health and freedom get in touch for a Clarity Call below.