How your (health) struggle is serving you


Could your health challenge or chronic struggle actually be serving you?

Hear me out.

The more I talk to clients, in almost 99% of their cases their illness (acne, eczema, gut health issues, autoimmune, stubborn weight gain etc) had an emotional, mental or physical origin - and usually quite stressful, if not traumatic.

Therefore focusing on medication alone or diet alone will NEVER resolve the issue.

And don’t get me wrong, I am not against the medical approach at all. You’ve got to take your whole being into consideration and apply a multitude of healing techniques for the successful outcome.

To heal emotional & mental trauma, you’ve got to work on releasing stuck emotions, feelings and beliefs. 

Otherwise you'll just end up recycling the old ones over and over again, wondering why on earth everything you've tried hasn't worked.

Having worked with hundreds of clients by now, I also found that in those 99% of cases, their health challenge was also serving them in some way.

Sometimes people are more afraid of becoming well than being sick.

For example, they may be afraid that they have to work again, make themselves more visible, be subjected to a potential criticism, rejection etc, so subconsciously they will choose their sickness over healing.

What’s the quickest way to find out how your health challenge is serving you?

Ask yourself these questions and be REALLY HONEST with yourself:

  1. When did I first get sick?

  2. What was going on in my life when I became sick?

  3. What will happen if I am completely well?

  4. What is going to happen when I get better?

  5. How is this sickness/challenge helping me?

  6. In what way did it change my life?

  7. How did it serve me?

That’s the first step of the healing process.

Step two is all about releasing these limiting beliefs, emotional patterns and re-programming your body & mind to believe it’s no longer required to be sick in order to get whatever came up for you in questions above.

And that is exactly what I can help you with.

If you are ready to let go of your “sickness-patterns” and welcome unlimited health and freedom get in touch for a Clarity Call below.

Joanna Choncer