What you SUPPRESS your body will EXPRESS
Are you a Pro-Emotional-Suppressor, who pretends all is FINE just to fit in, until you have a full-on meltdown or an illness, skin issues, chronic pain or anxiety bringing you down to your knees?
Does this sound like you:
- you keep adding things to your to-do list,
- you crowd out any mindful space in your life,
- your life is full of busyness, but no fulfilment,
- you take a holiday hoping that a tan will rid you of your worries,
- you find a project or person to obsess about to remove the focus from your own pain, or you immerse yourself in some kind of adventure that will distract you from dealing with what is?
Yes? - don't worry you are not alone!
Most people suppress their emotions, and that can manifest in illness or addiction, also showing up as anxiety, sabotaging behaviours, or physical symptoms such as headache, weight gain or chronic pain.
Many of us develop 'suppression strategies' as a way to avoid feeling our emotions - because we are/were told IT IS WRONG TO FEEL & EXPRESS our emotions. Especially the ‘negative’ ones.
We recycle an emotion when it naturally shows up and we put judgement on it, not allowing it to flow, suppressing it back in.
We turn to temporary ‘coping-numbing strategies’, so we don’t have to deal with our emotions.
What are these 'coping strategies'?
Drinking, over eating, over exercising, over working, spending money mindlessly, watching TV, escaping with drugs, spending time on social media and so on....
In order to maintain a certain level of suppression over time, you have to keep increasing the stimulation.
So, the longer you suppress by numbing, the more dependent you become on your suppression tool of choice, which could lead to an addiction.
Carry on with that and we know where it ends.
Learn how to RELEASE emotions instead of RECYCLING them.
Releasing an emotion is allowing ourselves to ride the wave of the feeling all the way, without judgement.
Releasing it from you physical body for an immediate relief from pain, discomfort, anxiety and overwhelm.
YES! It is possible to feel the relief fast!
I share how to do that in my private Thrive for Life Facebook Group - so feel free to join me there if you haven't already!
P.S. And if you are ready to dive in deep with me privately 1 on 1, to become aware of how, when & why you began to suppress your feelings and release those emotional patterns you’ve become addicted to, stopping you from thriving in health, biz and life fully- simply schedule a free Clarity Call below!