How my ECZEMA was calling me back into ALIGNMENT
March 2020.
A year we will all remember when the Pandemic hit the globe and I decided to make a £12k+ investment into a business coach.
Couple of calls into the big investment I was told that my idea was ‘too spiritual’ and that nobody would get it, and was advised to change my niche and my message for people to ‘get me’.
With full trust, I listened to the coach, I changed almost everything to ‘fit in’, but my intuition was starting to feel unease.
One morning, out of nowhere, I woke up with full-on eczema all over my abdomen and my back, but submerged in ‘getting this business-thing’ right, I took very little notice of it at first.
"Oh no! My food sensitivities have returned!" my nutritionist-mind thought.
But four weeks in, my eczema was getting worse every day and I was starting to feel helpless.
The more I kept pushing and listening to the coach to stick with ‘her’ plan, the more clients were saying no to my work and the angrier my eczema was getting.
Until one day, I had arranged for a Silent Counselling swap session with a colleague of mine, and within minutes of going into my body, precisely to the ‘trauma point’ located above my eyebrows, I burst into tears.
Waves of frustration, anger and resentment towards the coach and myself for not trusting my initial gut feeling were coming up and I couldn’t stop them.
I so desperately wanted to avoid being rejected, that I had rejected myself in order to fit in.
My eczema was simply calling me back in, reminding me that I needed to trust myself, my intuition and my calling again more than ever before.
That day was the day I fired the coach and I received confirmation on what I had always known to be true.
To heal the body, we must first release the emotional, mental and spiritual trauma from within.
That any dis-comfort and dis-ease is just a way for our body to call us back into alignment and trust..
That any physical condition needs more than just a diet, a supplement or pill alone.
That in order to shine fully and authentically on the outside, you need to clean and release the ‘gunk’ from the depths of your inside.
And consider that:
- Your acne/eczema could be a lack of trust and rejection of self.
- Your bloating or constipation could reflect your refusal to accept your calling and excessive need to control all aspects of your life.
- Your fatigue and exhaustion could be a deep need for an external approval, validation and love you can’t yet give to yourself.
- Your anxiety could be the fear of your own power.
- Your thyroid issues represent your inability to fully and authentically express yourself.
I realized that I was out of alignment and love with my true authentic self, afraid of my own power, authenticity, and my truth, and my eczema needed to align me with it back again.
For a long time, I have battled with my truth. I was scared to share it with the world at the risk of sounding like a hippy, a quack, or unscientific.
Since sharing this, I have been called all of these things, plus many more. That fear held me back big time, but I have realized that holding myself back by pleasing others isn’t helping people heal.
There are people out there who need to hear this message, who need to heal.
So my message for you is simple.
Your body is not broken, vulnerable, or weak like you might have been led to believe.
All it takes to heal physically is a moment of courage.
A moment where you look inward, bring awareness to an old unresolved emotion/trauma or a limiting belief and decide to release it.
Release the power it had been holding over you for months or years and align with your true authentic self.
The truth is you’re here to serve the world. To facilitate deep & powerful transformation.
And it doesn’t have to be difficult or challenging for you.
I am here to show you how.
Are You Ready To Thrive Authentically?